Saturday, 5 February 2011

Trip to Norwich

Last night I played a gig with most of The Shadow-Line at the UEA Union Bar. Tom, a cog in the great economic machine, couldn't make it. Needless to say, it just wasn't the same without the kind of soaring major 5th harmonies that only a true disciple of the bubblegum-thrash circuit can utter. That said, we pulled it off pretty well considering we hadn't practised and we had all had a couple of Tyskies with no dinner.

After we played there was a pretty good club night on at the Union upstairs. The guitarist from Bloc Party was DJing. There wasn't really enough dancehall for my liking. Would it kill you to play some Elephant Man once in a while, Russell Lissack? Anyway, there was a great atmosphere, especially as my brother, the band, and loads of people from St. Albans were there. I literally could not move without finding a friend to embrace.

After that, we went, for a while, to one of the nicest student houses I've ever been to. It even had an AGA. Literally an Aga. You can see it in the last photo, sort of. I asked the ladies if I could have a picture of them with their Aga, because I was so impressed. That said, it was only slightly better than the wall of tits in Howlin' Wolffe's house.

[Above] Bonus tit bottom left.

Here are some more photos:

[Above] an actual Aga. You can sort of see it.

The next morning, we rolled out of bed about midday and headed to the Bellevue pub for a fry-up. It was literally a pile of food. I can't remember the last time I ate so well. Although I did have some pretty good vegetable chilli at the ladies' house. Also there was this great headline in The Sun:

Even better, there was also this fine piece of graffiti on the train:

It really made my day. The best thing is how pleased that sharp-toothed monster looks; not only did he get a decent meal, but now he also has a walking stick.

Anyway it was well good time.

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