Saturday, 19 February 2011

Kiss My Brass at The Pioneer, Feb 12th 2011

[Above] Photos by Mark Leaver

Last week I went back to St. Albans, to play a one-off reunion gig with Kiss My Brass on the sacred ground at The Pioneer. A lot of our friends came down, and the reaction we got was really strong, even after two years. I think the reason KMB songs still mean a lot to people in St. Albans is that really those songs are theirs. They're about things we did and friends we had growing up, and quite a lot of them are actually about The Pioneer. That music is like a soundtrack for the place, so it makes sense to have play through it all there again. It was nice, maybe we'll do it again in another few years, although I don't know how useful it is to keep looking back. Sometimes things are good because they were good in a certain place and time, and I think Kiss My Brass was great while we were teenagers. We were really lucky to have that band, and we worked hard at it when we weren't blazed or drunk.

Also I'm glad The Pioneer is running again, and will hopefully continue to run great gigs. All you need for a scene to happen is a stage for it to happen on, and people willing to come and listen and dance.

Cheers to Mark Leaver for those great photos. I think Benji has some videos too, which might surface soon ...

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